Hey guys, I'm so sorry for delaying my post. My fall semester had already started so I'm kinda busy adjusting myself to my busy schedule again. In this post, I would like to share with you guys on my 3rd trip to Suwon as Suwon Cultural Ambassador. I would like to thank Suwon Cultural Foundation #suwoncf for giving me this opportunity to experience Korean's Culture and witnessing the beauty of Suwon. If you guys have been reading my blog, I guess you know that I was selected as the Suwon Cultural Ambassador and this was my 3rd tour with the other ambassadors.

This tour was one of my favourite! We were asked to gather in Korean Traditional House, Suwon. Our first activity was experiencing Hanbok! I believe that all of you who had came to Korea wouldn't miss the opportunity to wear their traditional clothes which is called "Hanbok". Although this was not my first time wearing it but I've been wearing it the wrong way previously. Now, I finally get to know the right method of wearing Hanbok. The kind and friendly teacher who taught us the method of wearing Hanbok and also the meaning of the colours that each Hanbok represent. The one that we were asked to wear is yellow & red in colour. This yellow & red Hanbok means that you are not married. Next, we were taught about how to sit in a proper manner. I find this really interesting because I always wanted to learn more about Korean Cultures.

Next, we get to learn about 다례, which is known as Tea Ceremony. If you guys ever watch Korean History drama, there are a lot of scenes which they showed about the tea ceremony. I was so excited as this is my first time. I always thought that making a tea is simple where you just take a tea bag or using a tea diffuser and add hot water to it. After being taught about it, I finally know the proper way to prepare tea!

Last but not least, its cooking time!!! We were taught on how to make Korean Traditional Food! I really enjoy cooking though I'm not really good at it. Were were divided into 3 groups of 4 members in each group. First, the teacher will demonstrate on the steps then after that, we were given time to prepare all those dishes that were taught by the teacher. It was really fun where we get to learn on how to cook those dishes while getting closer to your teammates at the same time! After cooking, of course we get to taste the food that we cooked! Surprisingly, it turned out to be super delicious!
This tour was really an unforgettable one! Want to experience what I've been experiencing? Then don't miss the opportunity to visit Suwon when you come to Korea! You won't be regretting paying a visit to Suwon!